Always committed to offering the highest quality and transparency in our services, we have our application Laserapp, developed by our IT department, which enables customers to consult the status of their orders remotely, from anywhere. Therefore, you know in real time what stage of the manufacturing process your order is at. Once the order is completed, you can download a copy of the delivery note, the invoice and the corresponding sheet metal certificates. In addition, you will be able to know the transport agency and shipping issue number.
In order to access the application and monitor the details of your order, you need to register your credentials and then log in with a password that will be assigned to you and can be changed later.
Get information about your orders and know its status in real time. The different process phases: (performed/ongoing/ready to start/awaiting) are represented by a series of icons and different colours, depending on the specific production phase. Processes such as laser cutting, plasma cutting, waterjet cutting, bending, machining, etc.
GREEN: performed | BLUE: ongoing | YELLOW: ready to start | RED: awaiting
You will be able to see a more specific detail of the order status, including cutting types, material, order total, order work and its status.
Once the order is finished, you can download:
- The delivery note (copy)
- The invoice (copy)
- The corresponding sheet metal certificate (copy)
And finally, you will be able to find out the transport agency and shipping issue number.
Through the application, and from each order, you can get in contact with the technician responsible by filling out a form. You will receive an answer at our earliest convenience.